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Energy management systems

Transforming Renewable Energy Management with Senkron Energy

As Senkron Energy, we tackle the critical challenges of the modern energy sector, including operational inefficiencies, complexities in managing diverse renewable portfolios, rising costs due to unplanned downtimes, long lead time for equipment supply after downtime, uncertainties in hybrid power plants with storage, and increasing cybersecurity attacks. With our headquarters in Amsterdam, we’re dedicated to […]

Borusan EnBW Enerji Generates Renewable Energy For the Next Generations

Featuring an installed capacity and portfolio based entirely on renewable energy sources, Borusan EnBW Enerji makes a direct contribution to sustainability in Turkey and in the world as it ranks among the leading wind power generation companies. The company’s installed capacity is 725 MW with its 12 energy power plants and its total portfolio amounts […]

Demand/Supply – Renewable energy with guarantees of origin (GO)

Ever since 1999, energy users in Europe have demanded documentation of the origin of the electricity they use, which launched an exponential market development. 470 TWh of renewable energy with Guarantee of Origin were sold and consumed in 2017.
Over the last years, a global market for renewable energy certificates has started to develop and equal tracing mechanisms are available also outside Europe.